Novelty Degree

Categories: Education
Get your own novelty degree or give one to someone else! Scroll down to fill out form and personalize your own. Then click here or the download button below to save an image for sharing! Or just share this page.

NOTE: If you want to be able to save, delete and edit your degrees, you must be logged in.
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Fake University
This certificate affirms that
has been awarded the degree of (Type of Degree) in the field of
(Field of Study)
on (Date)
Signed by



Fill out this form to personalize the information and click “submit”
Novelty Degree

Should be today's date

Please choose a (fake) university!

Please choose a (fake) degree type!

Please choose the (fake) field of study!

Enter your email if you'd like to receive a record of this certificate.

Can be your signature or a fictitious name

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